marine salinity hydrometer

Jun. 24, 2024 I want to consult

A marine salinity hydrometer is a specialized instrument designed to measure the density of seawater, which is crucial for the draft survey of ships and various fields of oceanographic research. The D4040 produced by the UK-based company ZEAL is commonly used in the market.

Measurement Range: The measurement range of this hydrometer typically lies between 0.990 and 1.040, suitable for the density measurement of both seawater and freshwater.

Material: ZEAL hydrometers are usually made of glass, a material that ensures the accuracy of the measurements and the durability of the instrument.

Precision: Known for their high precision, ZEAL hydrometers provide accurate measurement results, which is very important for the safety of ship navigation and marine research.

Applicability: This hydrometer is not only suitable for seawater but can also be used for the measurement of freshwater, offering a wide range of applications.

Certification: ZEAL hydrometers usually come with corresponding certifications, such as the CE mark, ensuring that they meet international standards and safety requirements.

Price: The price of the ZEAL D4040 marine salinity hydrometer varies among different suppliers but is typically between a few hundred to a thousand RMB.

After-sales Service: When purchasing a ZEAL hydrometer, users should ensure that the supplier offers good after-sales service, including product warranty and technical support.

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marine salinity hydrometer


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